Dual CRISPR Screen Analysis

Step 7: Abundance Thresholds

Amanda Birmingham, CCBB, UCSD (abirmingham@ucsd.edu)


To run this notebook reproducibly, follow these steps:

  1. Click Kernel > Restart & Clear Output
  2. When prompted, click the red Restart & clear all outputs button
  3. Fill in the values for your analysis for each of the variables in the Input Parameters section
  4. Click Cell > Run All

Input Parameters

In [ ]:
g_dataset_name = "Notebook7Test"
g_prepped_counts_run_prefix = "TestSet7"
g_prepped_counts_dir = '~/dual_crispr/test_data/test_set_7'
g_min_count_limit = 10 #Note: in absolute counts, not log2
g_max_fraction_acceptable_spline_density_diff = 0.02 # % of diff between max spline and min density
g_max_fraction_counts_excluded = 0.95 # any threshold throwing out >x% of counts is not acceptable
g_thresholds_run_prefix = ""
g_thresholds_dir = '~/dual_crispr/test_outputs/test_set_7'

Automated Set-Up

In [ ]:
import inspect

import ccbb_pyutils.analysis_run_prefixes as ns_runs
import ccbb_pyutils.files_and_paths as ns_files
import ccbb_pyutils.notebook_logging as ns_logs

def describe_var_list(input_var_name_list):
    description_list =  ["{0}: {1}\n".format(name, eval(name)) for name in input_var_name_list]
    return "".join(description_list)


In [ ]:
g_prepped_counts_dir = ns_files.expand_path(g_prepped_counts_dir)
g_thresholds_run_prefix = ns_runs.check_or_set(g_thresholds_run_prefix, ns_runs.generate_run_prefix(g_dataset_name))
g_thresholds_dir = ns_files.expand_path(g_thresholds_dir)
print(describe_var_list(['g_prepped_counts_dir', 'g_thresholds_run_prefix', 'g_thresholds_dir']))

R Magic Import and Set-Up

In [ ]:
%load_ext rpy2.ipython

In [ ]:
from rpy2.robjects import r
import rpy2.robjects as robjects

gR = robjects.r

Scoring-Ready Counts File Load

In [ ]:
import dual_crispr.scoring_prep as ns_prep

In [ ]:
import dual_crispr.construct_file_extracter as ns_extractor

In [ ]:
import pandas

def get_prepped_counts_only_df(prepped_counts_dir, prepped_counts_run_prefix):
    prepped_counts_suffix = ns_prep.get_prepped_file_suffix()
    prepped_counts_fp = ns_files.build_multipart_fp(prepped_counts_dir, [prepped_counts_run_prefix, 
    prepped_counts_df = pandas.read_table(prepped_counts_fp, index_col=ns_extractor.get_construct_header())
    total_headers = list(prepped_counts_df.columns.values)
    unwanted_headers = ns_extractor.get_potential_annotation_headers()
    count_headers = [x for x in total_headers if x not in unwanted_headers]
    return prepped_counts_df.loc[:, count_headers]

In [ ]:
g_prepped_counts_only_df = get_prepped_counts_only_df(g_prepped_counts_dir, g_prepped_counts_run_prefix)

Variable Transfer from Python to R

In [ ]:
# 'temp' assignments suppress printing of cruft stdout
temp = gR.assign('gPreppedCountsDf', g_prepped_counts_only_df)
temp = gR.assign('gMinCountLimit', g_min_count_limit)
temp = gR.assign('gMaxFractionAcceptableSplineDensityDiff', g_max_fraction_acceptable_spline_density_diff)
temp = gR.assign('gMaxFractionCountsExcluded', g_max_fraction_counts_excluded)

R Set-Up

In [ ]:

options(jupyter.plot_mimetypes = c("text/plain", "image/png" ))
options(repr.plot.width=7, repr.plot.height=7)    

Abundance-Threshold Identification Heuristic

In [ ]:

gManualColor = "black"
gMinimumsColor = "orange"
gMaximumsColor = "turquoise"
gHistogramColor = "blue"
gDensityColor = "lightgreen"
gSplineColor = "lightpink"
gChosenColor = "red"
gSpar = NULL

extremumIsAcceptable<-function(putativeThreshold, hist, maxCountFractionExcluded){
    result = FALSE
    if (!is.null(putativeThreshold)) {
        fractionCountsExcluded = getFractionCountsExcluded(hist, putativeThreshold, 
        result = fractionCountsExcluded<maxCountFractionExcluded

getFractionCountsExcluded<-function(hist, putativeThreshold, maxCountFractionExcluded){
    tempHistDf = data.frame(mids=hist$mids, counts=hist$counts)
    eligibleHistDf = tempHistDf[which(hist$mids<putativeThreshold), ]
    result = sum(eligibleHistDf$counts)/sum(hist$counts)  

findExtremaIndices<-function(objWithXandY, getMins=TRUE){
    relevantDiff = if(getMins==TRUE) 2 else -2
    indicesOfExtrema = which(diff(sign(diff(objWithXandY$y)))==relevantDiff)+1
getlog2CountsAndFreqsAtExtrema<-function(densityObj, indicesOfExtrema){
    log2CountsAtExtrema = densityObj$x[indicesOfExtrema]
    densityFunc = approxfun(densityObj)
    freqsAtExtrema = densityFunc(log2CountsAtExtrema)
    result = data.frame(log2CountsAtExtrema, freqsAtExtrema)
    result = result[with(result, order(log2CountsAtExtrema)), ]   
# general concept: identify the peak of the "main distribution", then look for the lowest point in the
# "valley" between it and the noise spike at the low end of the counts histogram.  
# Not all count distributions have this general shape; for all known cases that don't, this method
# will return NULL (rather than just silently picking a bad threshold).  
findSmallestMinLeftOfMax<-function(splineWithXandY, minCountLimit, hist, maxCountFractionExcluded){
    minLog2CountThreshold = log2(minCountLimit)
    result = NULL # assume failure
    #look for row indices of local interior maxima and local interior minima in input spline curve
    indicesOfMaxes = findExtremaIndices(splineWithXandY, FALSE)
    indicesOfMins = findExtremaIndices(splineWithXandY, TRUE)
    # give up if there aren't at least one of each; otherwise
    if (length(indicesOfMaxes)>0 & length(indicesOfMins)>0){
        # get x and y values in the rows representing the local interior maxima
        xAndYatMaxesDf = getlog2CountsAndFreqsAtExtrema(splineWithXandY, indicesOfMaxes)
        eligibleMaxesDf = xAndYatMaxesDf[which(
            xAndYatMaxesDf$log2CountsAtExtrema >= minLog2CountThreshold), ]

        # if there are no local interior maxima at x values gte the global minimum allowed, give up; otherwise
        if (nrow(eligibleMaxesDf)>0){
            # pick the x position of the eligible local interior maximum with the largest y value
            chosenMaxDf = eligibleMaxesDf[which(
                eligibleMaxesDf$freqsAtExtrema == max(eligibleMaxesDf$freqsAtExtrema)), ]
            rightmostLog2Count = chosenMaxDf$log2CountsAtExtrema[1]    

            # get x and y values in the rows representing the local interior minima
            xAndYatMinsDf = getlog2CountsAndFreqsAtExtrema(splineWithXandY, indicesOfMins)
            eligibleMinsDf = xAndYatMinsDf[which(
                xAndYatMinsDf$log2CountsAtExtrema >= minLog2CountThreshold &
                xAndYatMinsDf$log2CountsAtExtrema < rightmostLog2Count), ]

            # if there are no local interior minima with x values gte the global minimum allowed and
            # lt the x position of the chosen maximum, give up; otherwise            
            if (nrow(eligibleMinsDf)>0){
                # pick the x position of the eligible local interior minimum with the smallest y value
                chosenMinDf = eligibleMinsDf[which(
                    eligibleMinsDf$freqsAtExtrema == min(eligibleMinsDf$freqsAtExtrema)), ] 
                putativeResult = chosenMinDf$log2CountsAtExtrema
                # Only known situation where above logic picks a bad threshold is when all "real" 
                # data is monotonically decreasing but there is (at least one) minute local maximum 
                # in the noise at far right of the count distribution; extremumIsAcceptable sanity-checks
                # for that pathological case.
                if (extremumIsAcceptable(putativeResult, hist, maxCountFractionExcluded)){
                    result = putativeResult

# helper for findSplineAndDensityNearPoint
makeSplineAndDensityDf<-function(scaledDensityXandY, splineXandY){
    # Determine spline and (scaled) density y values at shared set of x values 
    # where neither is NA, then calculate difference between spline and density
    # at each of those points.
    splineFunc = approxfun(splineXandY)
    splineYAtDensityX = splineFunc(scaledDensityXandY$x)
    result = data.frame(x=scaledDensityXandY$x, splineY=splineYAtDensityX, 
    result = na.omit(result)
    result$y = result$splineY-result$densityY 

# helper for findSplineAndDensityNearPoint
getNearnessThreshold<-function(splineAndDensityDf, maxSplineDensityDiff){
    # Get global maximum value of spline function at any x
    # Get global minimum of scaled density function at any x
    # NB: x for max and min need not (and usually won't) be the same
    # Use these values to find the maximum difference between spline
    # and scaled density y values (regardless of x), then define 
    # "near" to be when spline and scaled density y values for same x get within 
    # the specified arbitrary fraction of that difference.
    maxSplineY = max(splineAndDensityDf$splineY) 
    minDensityY = min(splineAndDensityDf$densityY)
    maxDiff = maxSplineY - minDensityY
    result = maxDiff * maxSplineDensityDiff

# general concept: find the leftmost point (greater than the global minimum allowed) 
# in the count distribution where the scaled density curve and the spline curve are 
# within the global arbitrary threshold of one another.  
# This gives worse results than findSmallestMinLeftOfMax on "good" count distributions,
# so it isn't the first-choice approach, but it makes a good fall-back for count
# distributions (especially noisy or low-signal ones) where findSmallestMinLeftOfMax
# fails to find a threshold.  Fails to find a threshold ONLY in cases where
# spline and density curve never get "near" each other over range of 
# counts in the underlying count distribution.
findSplineAndDensityNearPoint<-function(scaledDensityXandY, splineXandY, minCountLimit, 
    maxFractionAcceptableSplineDensityDiff, hist, maxCountFractionExcluded){
    log2minCountLimit = log2(minCountLimit)
    maxSplineDensityDiff = maxFractionAcceptableSplineDensityDiff
    result = NULL # assume failure  
    splineAndDensityDf = makeSplineAndDensityDf(scaledDensityXandY, splineXandY)
    nearnessThreshold = getNearnessThreshold(splineAndDensityDf, maxSplineDensityDiff)

    # if there are no records whose x positions are gte the global minimum allowed,
    # give up; otherwise
    eligibleSplineAndDensityDf = splineAndDensityDf[which(
        splineAndDensityDf$x >= log2minCountLimit), ]
    if (nrow(eligibleSplineAndDensityDf)>0){
        # Walk through all eligible x positions, from smallest toward largest.
        # Assuming you don't get lucky and just find an x value right on the threshold,
        # find the pair of x positions (if any such exist) that bracket the 
        # spot where the spline and density curves get "near enough" to each other.
        # Return the point half-way between these two x positions (note that this is
        # obviously a punt--I *could* do numerical approximation to find it, or 
        # set up a function that reached zero when the spline and density were
        # "near enough" and then optimize it, but frankly it just doesn't seem 
        # worth the trouble ...)
        putativeResult = NULL
        largestXgtThresh = NULL
        smallestXltThresh = NULL
        for (i in 1:nrow(eligibleSplineAndDensityDf)){
            currYval = eligibleSplineAndDensityDf$y[i]
            currXval = eligibleSplineAndDensityDf$x[i]
            if (currYval == nearnessThreshold) {
                putativeResult = currXval
            } else if (currYval <= nearnessThreshold) {
                smallestLtThresh = currXval
                if (is.null(largestXgtThresh)) {
                    putativeResult = smallestLtThresh
                } else {
                    putativeResult = (smallestLtThresh - largestXgtThresh)/2 + largestXgtThresh
            } else { # (currYval > nearnessThreshold) 
                largestXgtThresh = currXval
        if (extremumIsAcceptable(putativeResult, hist, maxCountFractionExcluded)){
            result = putativeResult
analyzeCountsDist<-function(log2countsDfForSingleSample, rangeObj, minCountLimit, maxCountFractionExcluded,
    resultSummary = "No acceptable threshold found." # assume failure
    increment = 0.05


    # density curve
    scaleFactor = sum(log2CurrCountsHist$counts)*increment
    scaledLog2CurrCountsDensityDf = data.frame(x=log2CurrCountsDensity$x, 

    # smoothing spline curve of non-zero freqs only
    log2CurrCountsHistXandY = data.frame(x=log2CurrCountsHist$mids, y=log2CurrCountsHist$count)
    nonZeroLog2CurrCountsHistXandY = log2CurrCountsHistXandY[which(log2CurrCountsHistXandY$y>0), ]    
    log2CurrCountsSpline = smooth.spline(nonZeroLog2CurrCountsHistXandY$x, nonZeroLog2CurrCountsHistXandY$y)

    # threshold selection
    putativeThreshold = findSmallestMinLeftOfMax(log2CurrCountsSpline, minCountLimit, 
        log2CurrCountsHist, maxCountFractionExcluded)
    if (!is.null(putativeThreshold)){
        resultSummary = "Smallest-local-minimum-in-valley method used."
    } else {
        putativeThreshold = findSplineAndDensityNearPoint(scaledLog2CurrCountsDensityDf, log2CurrCountsSpline,
            minCountLimit, maxFractionAcceptableSplineDensityDiff, log2CurrCountsHist, maxCountFractionExcluded)
        if (!is.null(putativeThreshold)){
            resultSummary = "Near-point-of-spline-and-density method used."
    result = list(threshold = putativeThreshold, resultSummary=resultSummary,
                  scaledDensity=scaledLog2CurrCountsDensityDf, spline=log2CurrCountsSpline)

drawAnalyzedCountsDist<-function(sampleName, rangeObj, analysisResult, manualThreshold=NULL){
    xPositions = seq(from = 0, to = ceiling(rge[2])+1, by = 1)
    xLabels = 2^(xPositions)
    titleText = paste0(sampleName,"\n", analysisResult$resultSummary)

    hist = analysisResult$histogram
        xaxt = 'n', 

    axis(side = 1, at = xPositions, labels=xLabels, las=2)
    mtext("counts (pseudocount added to zeros only)", side=1, line=3)
    # density curve

    # smoothing spline curve of non-zero freqs only
    lines(analysisResult$spline, col=gSplineColor)

    # rug plot of manual threshold, if any
    if (!is.null(manualThreshold)){
        rug(manualThreshold, col=gManualColor, lwd=3)    

    # vertical line of selected threshold, if any
    analysisThreshold = analysisResult$threshold
    if (!is.null(analysisThreshold)){
        abline(v=analysisThreshold, col=gChosenColor) 
        fractionExcludedCounts = getFractionCountsExcluded(analysisResult$histogram, 
            analysisThreshold, maxCountFractionExcluded)
        percentExcludedCounts = fractionExcludedCounts*100          
        title(sub=paste0(format(round(percentExcludedCounts, 1), nsmall = 1), "% of counts excluded"))  

analyzeAndDrawCountsDists<-function(multiSampleCountsDf, minCountLimit, maxCountFractionExcluded, 
                                    maxFractionAcceptableSplineDensityDiff, manualThresholds=NULL){
    resultDf = data.frame(sampleName = character(0), log2CountsThresh = numeric(0));
    multiSampleCountsDf[multiSampleCountsDf==0]<-1 #pseudocounts
    log2MultiSampleCountsDf = log2(multiSampleCountsDf)
    rangeObj = range(log2MultiSampleCountsDf) 
    for (i in 1:ncol(multiSampleCountsDf)) {
        currSampleName = colnames(multiSampleCountsDf)[i]
        log2countsDfForSingleSample = log2MultiSampleCountsDf[, i]
        analysisResult = analyzeCountsDist(log2countsDfForSingleSample, rangeObj, 
            minCountLimit, maxCountFractionExcluded, maxFractionAcceptableSplineDensityDiff)
        outputThreshold = if (is.null(analysisResult$threshold)) NA else analysisResult$threshold
        resultDf = rbind(resultDf, data.frame(sampleName=currSampleName, log2CountsThresh=outputThreshold))

        currManualThreshold = NULL
        if (!is.null(manualThresholds)){
            if (length(manualThresholds)>=i){
                currManualThreshold = log2(manualThresholds[i]) 
        drawAnalyzedCountsDist(currSampleName, rangeObj, analysisResult, currManualThreshold)

In [ ]:
gThresholdsDf = analyzeAndDrawCountsDists(gPreppedCountsDf, gMinCountLimit, gMaxFractionCountsExcluded, 

In [ ]:
%R gThresholdsDf

In [ ]:
if gR['gThresholdsDf'].isnull().values.any():
    raise RuntimeError("Automated abundance threshold selection was not able to identify thresholds for all samples.")

Output to File

In [ ]:
import dual_crispr.scoring_prep as ns_prep

In [1]:
def write_thresholds_file(thresholds_df, run_prefix, output_dir):  
    thresholds_df.columns = [ns_prep.get_sample_name_header(), ns_prep.get_abundance_thresh_header()]
    output_fp = ns_files.build_multipart_fp(output_dir, [run_prefix, ns_prep.get_abundance_thresh_file_suffix()])
        thresholds_df.to_csv(output_fp, index=False, sep='\t')
    except AttributeError: # if there is no to_csv method
        thresholds_df.to_csvfile(output_fp, row_names=False, sep='\t')

In [ ]:
write_thresholds_file(gR['gThresholdsDf'], g_thresholds_run_prefix, g_thresholds_dir)

In [ ]:
print(ns_files.check_file_presence(g_thresholds_dir, g_thresholds_run_prefix, 
                                   check_failure_msg="Abundance threshold selection failed to produce an output file.")